Mandela-Effect Wiki

Dolly's Braces is an example of the Mandela Effect from the 1979 James Bond film, Moonraker. This Mandela Effect is one of the biggest debates in the Mandela Effect community. Many remember Dolly having glasses, pigtails and braces. However, people were shocked to find out after rewatching the scene, that she had no braces despite some James Bond fans claiming she did. Dolly was actually played by “Jolly” who was St. Nick from Peenville, so basically this was all caused by Jimmy Neutron.

History - Where did this effect originate?[]

The relationship of the James Bond villain Jaws and Dolly is one of the most iconic couples in film history. Dolly is an iconic character whose pigtails, glasses and braces make her stand out in cinema history. However, many were shocked when they rewatched their VHS copies of the movie that Dolly was no longer wearing her iconic braces. Both VHS and DVD copies are void of her iconic braces.

Many people recall watching Moonraker at the cinema when it was first realesed in 1979 and laughing at the comedic way Dolly was portrayed as Jaw's girlfriend due to her braces. The disappearance of Dolly's braces has became a discussed topic throughout the world and has sparked extreme confusion, as well as forming insistant non-believers into believers.

Scene - What was reported to have originally happened in Dolly's scene?[]

The iconic scene of when Dolly first meets Jaws was originally reported as Dolly saving Jaws and Jaws looking at her and falling in love with her, before smiling at her and bareing his metal teeth. Dolly then returns a smile, revealing her braces to him. This was a joke that Jaws and Dolly belong together because of their metal teeth and braces, hence why they first fell in love. However, all signs that Dolly had braces no longer exist.

Possible Explanations - Could this have been a mistake?[]

The following are possible explanations and answers to this Mandela Effect. Most of these explanations consist of false memory claims.

  • A Finnish advertisement with a similar scene was released and many believe that people are getting the film scene confused with the advertisement. However, people claimed to have not witnessed the advertisement. 
  • Many people believe the sun reflecting from Dolly's glasses cause the illusion that Dolly wore braces.
  • Many people believe Dolly's appearance as a stereotypical geek girl caused the idea that Dolly wore braces.
  • Many people believe that Dolly's braces were cut out of the film as a white flash is seen flashing over her teeth briefly. However, many believe there would be no way to edit out her braces on VHS.

Other possible Mandela Effects[]

  • Many state that Dolly also wore black-framed glasses in this scene.
  • people remember dollys name being grolly
  • Many stated that her facial structure had changed and she had became more over-sexualized.
  • People claim there was a scene where Dolly and Jaws kisses and her braces get stuck in Jaws's teeth.

